URGENT: logo osgeo in vector format

Claude Philipona claude.philipona at camptocamp.com
Fri Sep 1 11:31:38 EDT 2006

Yes we try, but it is in a very proprietary Corel draw format which does 
not open with any of software even illustrator.

If some you have got Corel draw please transform it in eps or pdf vector 
and sendc it to us (daniel rappo).


Arnulf Christl wrote:
> Claude Philipona wrote:
>> Hello,
>> We desperately and urgently need need the osgeo log in a proper vector 
>> format for foss4g conference book. We need logo in a standard vector 
>> format (EPS or PDF vector), as no one as Corel draw by us and it does 
>> not open with other program even Illustrator.
>> Markus suggested to contact Aaron Koning, but we didn't get any answer 
>> from him.
>> Could you please provide the logo today, otherwise the logo won't 
>> appear very nice in the conference book.
>> Thanks,
>> Claude
> Hi,
> can you use these? It seems that this is what has been used at Where 2.0
> https://www.osgeo.org/content/news/news_archive/logo/index.html
> Please let me know if there is any more problem. You can reach me any 
> time at +49 172 2958 004
> Best regards,
> Arnulf.

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