[Viscom-dev] GRASS Promotion Team

Malte Halbey-Martin malte at geog.fu-berlin.de
Thu Jan 25 14:09:38 EST 2007

Hi Tyler,

I don't think that there will be any material when the meeting in
Palermo is. We just startet. Currently I'm working on a GRASS brochure
and a technical data sheet...

BTW: I think there are some upcoming events where we should try to
spread some osgeo material (e. g. the EGU meeting in Vienna). I think we
don't need to much promotion on FOSSGIS conferences but more where we
can reach people who works with geospatial software but don't know much
about Open Source geospatial software (maybe we can convince some of
them to use os software).

> Malte,
> I am glad to hear it and hope we can find some good ways to coordinate.
> Is your next big promotion event in Palermo?

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