[Viscom-dev] Sample script how to link to the OSGeo logo

Mark Lucas mlucas17 at mac.com
Mon Jan 29 13:56:40 EST 2007


Did you build overviews?  If not run img2rr <myimages>  to generate  
them.  Without overviews only the full rez representation is shown  
and only when you get down on the deck.


On Jan 29, 2007, at 1:52 PM, Jason Birch wrote:

> Arnulf pointed out:
> ------------------
> Quesiton is whether we really wnat that? Is it something that  
> VisCom is
> really hyped about, is it an issue for WebCom to do it? If anybody  
> would
> consent to actually doing I would suggest that it is a good idea.
> ------------------
> I do think that a "Linking to Us" section would be a great idea.
> I personally don't like the idea of asking them to link to our site,
> though I don't see a problem in letting them know that they are  
> free to
> do so.
> It adds to our load (OK, marginally), and it means that we are taking
> responsibility for not breaking other peoples' sites by changing the
> image location, site maintenance, etc.  I would prefer to encourage  
> them
> to download the images.
> Jason
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