[Viscom-dev] Merger with WebCom?

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Wed Mar 21 16:39:37 EDT 2007

On 21-Mar-07, at 12:09 AM, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:

> Events are also a problem because the Big Ones seem to require a  
> significant amount of up-front planning and committment, and that's  
> hard to do with volunteer labor.

I think we're doing okay on this so far, but having a budget will  
help with this by providing more resources to the volunteers.

> - move the Big Event question over to the ED (sorry, Tyler),  
> because for now it requires substantial up-front planning and  
> monetary committment; if the Board and ED don't want to do any Big  
> Shows this year, then great; all other Events should be only of the  
> form "we'll give you small grant" and handled by ComCom -- unless  
> someone volunteers for more (again on a case by case basis, like  
> Intergeo)

I see it as really being up to VisCom to decide what events/types of  
events to aim for.  I think we've laid out the vision/plan for VisCom  
pretty well - at least on the event side.. now it's just a budget  
question.  That's why we went through the event brainstorming and  
budgeting exercise.

It seems to me that others on the committee are happy to take on some  
of the bigger events as long as adequate support is available.  How  
much financial support the board approves is another matter, but  
don't let it confuse you.  Perhaps we need to have this discussion  
again, but thought we ironed this out a while back.

I'm not sure exactly what you are thinking I could do better than the  
committee, but I don't think it will help.  I can really only handle  
1 at a time max. and am not so perfectly attuned to the community to  
be able to know what events are best or most important, etc.  It  
gives a false sense that I am "in charge" of something that is really  
the mandate of a committee that is more than adequate to handle it.

Back to Jason's question... when I say I think event management could  
subsume the new committee, I mean that when we have a meeting about  
events they tend to take a long time or require high energy.   
Sometimes you have little time/energy left after going through it -  
but that could just be me :)  Also they have such real timelines/ 
deadlines associated with them that events tend to take priority over  
everything else.

Is that a showstopper or major concern to others?  Still, if there is  
significant overlap between the people on both committees, perhaps  
working closer together on the whole visibility side would make sense.

I'm not sure either way...

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