[Viscom-discuss-de] Warum es Ogleearth gibt und was OSGeo tun sollte

Arnulf Christl (OSGeo) arnulf.christl at wheregroup.com
Fri Apr 20 12:10:16 EDT 2007

entschuldigung für die furchtbare Formatierung, ich wollte nur, dass es
nicht verloren geht (IRC logs werden derzeit umgestellt). Aus folgendem
Mittschnitt geht ein potentielles Aufgabengebiet für unsere von der
OSGeo.us unabhängige OSGeo.de Instanz von OSGeo hervor. Oder so. (geht
unten weiter).

[16:35:51] <nhv> hmm  http://www.ogleearth.com/2007/04/oh_the_irony_go.html
[16:36:28]  Signoff: TylerM (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:38:08]  TylerM (n=TylerM at has joined channel #osgeo
[16:42:05] <seven> nhv: thanks for that link, good for lively discussions
around here...
[16:42:20] <FrankW> nhv:  One of the things I don't like about building
mrsid libraries into stuff like FWTools is that in theory I'm supposed to
impose the same import controls for "axis of evil" countries as are
mentioned in the above blog entry.
[16:43:00] <FrankW> There are times I wonder if it would be prudent for
download.osgeo.org to be outside the US, but as a US-incorporated
organization we would likely be subject anyways.
[16:43:06]  seven and all here are still not on record, so keep on.
[16:43:24]  seven knows of a sattelite that is used to store data.
[16:44:16] <FrankW> In fact, I deliberately keep FWTools on a non-osgeo,
non-telascience server so I am the only one liable for any violations it
might be responsible for.
[16:44:34] <seven> That was what we intended OSGeo for?
[16:44:42] <seven> So that you are personally liable?
[16:44:45] <seven> Come on!
[16:45:54]  seven grumbles under her breath that OSGeo was to take on
liability and protect developers and such. We need more local chapters
with own servers to diffues and confuse national legislations.
[16:49:01]  gsherman (n=gsherman at qgis/developer/gsherman) has joined
channel #osgeo
[16:49:13]  FrankW_ (n=warmerda at epimetheus.hobu.net) has joined channel
[16:49:20]  Signoff: FrankW ("Leaving")
[16:49:41]  FrankW_ is now known as FrankW
[16:49:56]  Signoff: sigq_ (Connection reset by peer)
[16:51:56] <FrankW> seven:  Well, I believe it is appropriate for OSGeo to
take on liability for some things, but it has to be thoughtful about what
it takes liability for.
[16:52:26] <FrankW> Certainly it can't put itself in the position of
violating us export regulations, or the contractual agreements for use of
proprietary sdks.
[16:52:53] <FrankW> So any risks related to such things should be done
outside the organization.
[16:52:56] <FrankW> IMHO
[16:53:09]  sigq (n=supybot at qgis/bot/sigq) has joined channel #osgeo
[17:04:09]  Signoff: what_nick_ (Nick collision from services.)
[17:04:23]  what_nick_ (n=chatzill at pdpc/supporter/active/what-nick) has
joined channel #osgeo
[17:08:06]  Signoff: what_nick_ (Nick collision from services.)
[17:08:19]  what_nick_ (n=chatzill at pdpc/supporter/active/what-nick) has
joined channel #osgeo
[17:08:41]  Signoff: what_nick_ (Remote closed the connection)
[17:12:15] <seven> FrankW: All correct and very humble. I just wanted to
suggest that this (bailing out to take on responsibility) not be standard
procedure and we need to develop legal options outside USofA legislation
for exactly those reasons.
[17:13:06] <FrankW> I do like the idea of a local chapter taking on some
distribution that might be questionable under US law.
[17:13:21] <FrankW> Especially with regard to export controls on free
software, or DMCA things.

Es gibt selbstverständlich bereits eine Reihe von Download-Servern
ausserhalb der OSGeo (siehe FWtools, GRASS auf Replikanten, etc.). Für
eine bessere Transparenz vor allem auch für neue Anwender wäre es
allerdings von großem Vorteil, wenn die "Marke" OSGeo in der Lage ist das

Diese Formulierung zeigt vielleicht auch ein wenig die Richtung auf in der
wir mit dem Thema OSGeo in deutscher Sprache vielleicht vorwärts kommen

Beste Grüße,

Arnulf Benno Christl
(OSGeo Board Member)
+50.7342N   +7.0707E

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