[VisCom] Presentation material

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Sat Apr 1 10:28:08 EST 2006

Markus Neteler wrote:

> Frank,
> such a column would be quite good - maybe it could be sync'ed
> somewhat with the president's newletter? VisCom may assist
> to give input and certainly the community (maybe the president
> wants a "submit user story" button somewhere to collect stories?).

The GRASS Newsletter team have expressed keen interest to
help bringing out the an expanded OSGEO Newsletter.
They are also on this list since yesterday.
Dave (DM Solutions) also brings out a news letter.
I think, it all these efforts can be combined to bring
a regular, informative and glossy newsletter. The news
letter should also have the OSGF Presidents Column.

As a first step, I think it is better to finalize the
two page brochure and some overhead slides with
OGSF members could use for presenting and promoting
OSGF at various forums.



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