[VisCom] Shirts and CafePress

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Wed Aug 23 01:22:46 EDT 2006

Hi Board,

Can OSGeo donate some t-shirts for the volunteers at
OSGeo Booth at MapAsia 2006 being held from
August 29 to Sept 1 2006 in Bangkok Thailand.

If OSGeo can cover the cost, the T-shirts can be shipped

Attn. OSGeo Exhibit Booth 39
Map Asia 2006 Secretariat
Room No. 405 Maple House Executive Apartment
417, Sathon 11 (Narathiwat Ratchanakharin 10),
Sathon, Bangkok 10120



Tyler Mitchell wrote:

>>> Sarawut:
>>> I can place the order for you.  I will need to know:
>>>   - exact number and sizes of shirts
>>>   - how you wish to arrange payment
>> This was supposed to be a donation for the volunteers
>> at the OSGeo exhibition at MapAsia 2006 as I had mentioned
>> to Tyler. I am not sure if the volunteers will be able
>> to make a payment for this.
> I passed this on to Michael because he was already looking at shirt orders.
> Michael, sounds like we need to hustle up commitment from board to cover 
> the cost of a batch of shirts for MapAsia.  Have you already put it 
> through the board gauntlet?  $400-500 would cover it off, right, with 
> $100 rush fee.  Land's end turned around my order in 2 days and 
> shipped.  Wonder how long to ship direct to China?
> Venka, if you can help push through an approval from board to cover 
> these costs, then Michael can be liberated :) and just get it done for you.
> Tyler
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