[VisCom] Next year events

Pericles S. Nacionales pnaciona at gis.umn.edu
Wed Aug 30 00:46:54 EDT 2006

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Ned Horning wrote:
>> At some point it would also be good to talk about meeting with 
>> governmental
>> and other organizations to make them aware of OSGeo. Within the 
>> conservation
>> and NASA Earth Science community I have been noticing a significant 
>> growth
>> in an interest in using and developing open source geospatial tools 
>> but not
>> much of the work is being coordinated and not much effort is going into
>> fostering development communities. OSGeo has a lot to offer.
> Ned / Tyler,
> I think it would be good to coordinate some presence at the twice annual
> ESIP conference on behalf of OSGeo to brief the earth science community.
> I know a number of us already attend these meetings from time to time
> (such as Perry N., Allan Doyle, and myself).  This is a fairly technical
> conference, but I'm sure we could present a paper on OSGeo technologies
> and the earth sciences.  They have already have had a number of papers on
> MapServer, GDAL/OGR, OPeNDAP and so forth, so they are reasonable aware
> of some of the options.

Frank, folks,

Thanks for bringing this up.  I meant to bring OSGeo materials to this 
summer's ESIP meeting but just ran out of time.  I did give a workshop 
on MapServer and mentioned OSGeo quite a few times.  Many of the 
institutions involved are users of OSGeo software (they may or may not 
know OSGeo).  This is probably the best time to get even more involved 
in the ESIP federation as the chair of the Information Technology and 
Interoperability working group is a big supporter/user of open source 
geospatial technologies.  I happen to be the vice-chair. ;)

The next meeting (winter) is supposed to be in Portland, OR in January. 
  I'm trying to make a LiveDVD of the many open source technologies used 
by many ESIP members, complete with working demos, for the winter 
meeting.  This DVD won't be strictly OSGeo software but will include 
other open source tools such as OPeNDAP,netCDF, GEMPAK, etc.  If others 
are already making a LiveDVD of OSGeo tools, I'd like to work with them.


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