FW: [VisCom] Staff plan for OSGeo booth at FOSS4G (third serve)

Pericles S. Nacionales pnaciona at gis.umn.edu
Wed Aug 30 13:28:08 EDT 2006

I was going to say something along these lines...  I know there will be 
more MapServer devs  who will be in the booth, they just can't make 
solid time commitments.

I myself would be there whenever I'm not on one of the sessions.


Tyler Mitchell wrote:
>> Also I felt Where 2.0 worked out just fine with few set times (or 
>> were there times I wasn't aware of?)  I just used it as a homebase, 
>> showed up there when other things weren't going on.
> Heh - I stayed up way too late doing up a roster for that... then realised, duh, there will be so many people we'd be kicking out of the booth!  Sure enough, I ditched the roster and we did well.  (Could have done more kicking, but we've learned ;) )
> Tyler
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