Newsletter progress...

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at
Wed Dec 13 12:13:05 EST 2006

Just an FYI...

Our committee has talked several times about getting a newsletter  
going.  Working with the current GRASS-News editors, we have made  
some progress.  The current edition of GRASS-News (going out this  
week) will be expanded to become an OSGeo News publication in the  
next edition (sometime in the new year).

If anyone wants to be more involved from the back-end management of  
this endeavour, let Martin or I know.  I was the one primarily  
interested from the Visibility Committee so I'll put together a news  
item about this, as an invite to the community to contribute content  
for the next edition and to also have a descriptive page available on  
the web site that will provide some more context.

I'm personally excited about taking advantage of this great legacy of  
editors and content, format, etc. of the GRASS-News team - and using  
this as a regular tool for project news, foundation news, project  
examples, tutorials, interviews and more.


Tyler Mitchell
Executive Director
Open Source Geospatial Foundation
tmitchell at
P: +1-250-277-1621
M: +1-250-303-1831

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