some Vis stuff
Frank Warmerdam
warmerdam at
Sun Mar 12 09:55:07 EST 2006
Michael P. Gerlek wrote:
> Folks:
> Just fyi, I put some notes on the TODO page about making a "What is
> OSGeo" slide set for general use, and a "corporate messaging" slide set
> based on some IRC conversations yesterday. I'll start to fill in
> details next week.
I think you make some good points in,
notably about the word Advocacy.
I have personally used that word in some contexts, but I certainly think
when we are working to get our message out to corporations, they may be
more comfortable with the word "promotion". We are promoting the use of
open source geospatial software in various contexts. This makes it sound
like marketting which they understand as opposed to advocacy which sounds
very ideological.
Note that I am promoting formal sponsorship directed to projects as the
mechanism to provide background support funding for libraries and
components that companies depend on. Of course, direct funding to
developers for specific features is also always encouraged.
We will definately need some coordinate between VisCom and the Fundraising
Committee (FunCom?) to ensure that VisCom's message supports or planned
fundraising approach.
> I also was playing around with some logos of our members -- see
> At some point we should collect
> everyone's logos for a complete page like this, it makes for good
> presentation fodder.
Once we *start* using corporate logo's we are going to need to:
o Make sure we have the companies agreement to do so.
o Make sure we aren't missing any companies that feel they belong.
I suggest some caution on this front. It may be easier when we have a
sponsorship program because then the decision rule is that we use all, but
only the logos of sponsors (perhaps asking permission). I do like getting
together the constellation of project logos including (as you have done)
projects that are related but not actually foundation projects (such as
PostGIS, GeoServer, etc).
Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush | President OSGF,
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