[VisCom] New prefix added

Dave McIlhagga (mobile) dmcilhagga at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Mar 14 12:38:20 EST 2006

Guys - I'm in and out of touch this week but will get back on track once I get back into the office next week.


-----Original Message-----
From: "Michael P. Gerlek" <mpg at lizardtech.com>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2006 08:45:47 
To:<dev at visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org>
Cc:"Tyler Mitchell" <tjm at timberline.ca>,       "Dave McIlhagga" <dmcilhagga at dmsolutions.ca>,       "Claude Philipona \(External\)" <claude.philipona at camptocamp.com>
Subject: RE: [VisCom] New prefix added

We might want to add Helton Uchoa (uchoa at geolivre.org.br) -- he (umm, I
think he's a he...) has been expressing interest.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arnulf Christl [mailto:arnulf.christl at ccgis.de] 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 3:00 AM
> To: dev at visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org
> Cc: Tyler Mitchell; Dave McIlhagga; Claude Philipona (External)
> Subject: [VisCom] New prefix added
> Hi all,
> I added the prefix [VisCom] to this mailing list, I hope 
> thats fine. If 
> you want to suggest something else, please let me know.
> I would suggest to stick to this list (dev) for most initial stuff, 
> maybe later we would want to activate the other lists. To not 
> get people 
> confused I added "CURRENTLY NOT IN USE!" to commits, issues and users 
> for a start to not spawn more and more mailing lists. I find 
> it hard to 
> keep track of all of them.
> "Announce" might be useful soon, once we get a message to broadcast. 
> Anybody know where it is brodcasted to anyway?!
> VisCom is currently not a "Public project". Is this intended, 
> should it 
> stay that way?
> Current curerntly subscribers are:
> arnulf.christl at ccgis.de
> dbrookshier at collab.net
> mpg at lizardtech.com
> warmerdam at pobox.com"
> Tyler, Dave, Claude
> could you please join this list so that we are all on one channel?
> I trying to catch up on everthing now, missed a few hundred 
> mails... :-/
> Best,
> Arnulf.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: dev-unsubscribe at visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: 
> dev-help at visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org

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