[OSGeo-Board] Re: [VisCom] Re: OSGF at Where 2.0

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Thu May 4 11:22:35 EDT 2006

Chris Holmes wrote:
> Gary, so it looks like Nat wants us to sacrifice the 15 minutes slot he 
> offered us if Autodesk is going to use the half hour keynote for OSGeo.
> So I see a couple things we could do.  First come up with something more 
> compelling for Frank to talk about.  I was hoping to maybe get VisComm 
> involved in figuring out what that could be, before sending this email, 
> but I had forgot to send it, and at the board meeting we decided to just 
> send something.  So I could get back to him with a good reason as to why 
> it shouldn't just be in a BOF, what Frank can talk about that'd be of 
> interest to attendees, how it'd be different than the keynote, ect.
> The other thing we could do is try to get an 'upgrade' on GDAL or some 
> other foundation project.  GDAL I think only has a 5 minute slot at the 
> moment, so we could see if we could take the 15 minute slot, and let 
> worldwind have the 5 minute lightning talk.  Or we could just let 
> WorldWind have the 15 minutes slot, as they are a nice open source 
> project supporting open standards.


I'm ok with letting WorldWind have the 15 minute slot, assuming that Gary
is willing to let us meddle in his keynote to try and fit in a variety
of things.

In particular, I'm keen to transmit a sense of the ecosystem of components
available from the open source world.  What I really want to get across to
the audience is that there is a wide variety of components that they can
leverage in a start-up or a big enterprise to accelerate time to market,
control, flexibility, featurefulnes, etc.  That lots of folks are already 
doing that now.

For me, that suggests survey of available components (or at least a
few highlights as opposed to an in depth review) and the roles they can
play.  Libraries like GDAL/OGR, PROJ.4, GEOS, JTS, GeoTools, spatial
databases like PostGIS and MySQL Spatial, and web service components like
MapServer, MapGuide, GeoServer.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGF, http://osgeo.org

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