[VisCom] Re: OSGF at Where 2.0

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Thu May 4 13:45:15 EDT 2006

Chris wrote to Nat:
> Ok, I talked with the board and we're fine with 
> this, as long as Autodesk's slot is a full half 
> hour, as we have a good bit we want to 
> fit in, and we're all going to help out on Gary's 
> talk.  And as long as it does go to WorldWind, 
> since we do like them a lot.

Woah, by the time I (and others on board/viscom) read the emails the story was over.  It may seem superficial but, your "delegation alert" reminder alarm bells should be going off :)

What's the rush?  Did we really want to give up the slot to WorldWind?

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