[VisCom] [Fwd: EU Infrastructure Report]

Michael P. Gerlek mpg at lizardtech.com
Tue May 9 12:16:06 EDT 2006



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arnulf Christl [mailto:arnulf.christl at ccgis.de] 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 5:26 AM
> To: dev at visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org
> Subject: [VisCom] [Fwd: EU Infrastructure Report]
> Hello,
> I have been contacted by GDS who specialize in putting 
> together reports 
> that are distributed to a large number of addresses. Their main asset 
> being that these addresses are highly focused and reach a 
> well defined 
> set of people at the management and decision makers level. 
> The current 
> topic regards spatial data infrastructures and 
> interoperability within 
> EU plus selected countries further to the east.
> We (as company CCGIS) have done this kind of promotion with 
> GDS before 
> and the direct result was zero. Still, I wanted to let you 
> know about it.
> If any of you considers this to be an important enough 
> channel to make 
> us spend €13,750 (which corresponds to Premium Sponsorship) 
> or any other 
> level please feel free to go to their web site and check out the 
> details. I have received an additional PDF document that I 
> can send you 
> offlist.
> Additionally you will have to contact FunCom. I am pretty 
> sure that with 
> some heavy dickering and the very good references that we 
> have we will 
> be able to reduce the cost considerably but I will not be 
> able to do it 
> myself. Too much else already.
> In my personal opinion we should not take any action and 
> defer this kind 
> of thing for later. Please answer by the weeekend so that I 
> can give GDS 
> a reply on Monday.
> Would this be something that we could vote for? The easiest would be 
> that someone votes with a -1 and we forget it.
> Thanxalot,
> Arnulf.
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: 	EU Infrastructure Report
> Date: 	Tue, 9 May 2006 11:33:21 +0100
> From: 	Jessica Watkins <jwatkins at gdsinternational.com>
> To: 	<arnulf at osgeo.org>
> CC: 	'Holly Windsor' <hwindsor at gdsinternational.com>
> Hi Arnulf,
> Good speaking with you today. Here is the information you requested
> regarding the *EU Infrastructure Report. *Please feel free to take a
> look at our website www.euinfrastructure.com
> <http://www.euinfrastructure.com/>
> The proposed package for *OS Geo Foundation* is as follows:
>      * Position on the *Executive Roundtable* – interview with *OS Geo
>        Foundation* executive
>      * *OS Geo Foundation* to take a *Single Page 
> Advertisement* in the
>        premium position of outside back cover, with a free reprint
>      * Additional 1000 word *Case Study* or *Technical 
> Article* online.
>      * Entire editorial presentation along with company logo and
>        hyperlink will appear on the EU Infrastructure website
>        www.euinfrastructure.com <http://www.euinfrastructure.com/>
>      * *42,000 controlled distribution* of report
>      * *Lead Management Service*- Individual username and password
>        provided to login
>      * *Circulation Manager*
>      * Full resources of GDS production and editorial team 
> upon request
>      * Additional circulation to the top Trade Shows and Seminars
> Total cost: €13,750
> I look forward to speaking with you again on Monday, when I can answer
> any questions you may have, and look to allocate this position to you.
> Kind Regards,
> Jessica Watkins, on behalf of
> Holly Windsor
> GDS International
> Level 1, Park House
> Greyfriars Road
> Cardiff
> CF10 3AF
> Tel: +44 2920 663 980
> Fax:+44 2920 663 994
> Mobile: +44 7702 482 918
> Email: hwindsor at gdsinternational.com 
> <mailto:hwindsor at gdsinternational.com>
> www.gdsinternational.com <http://www.gdsinternational.com/>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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