[VisCom] Re: OSGF at Where 2.0

Chris Holmes cholmes at openplans.org
Tue May 16 13:28:19 EDT 2006

Sorry, I think getting a response to you on this slipped by again.

Nathan Torkington wrote:
> On 5/05/2006, at 1:02 PM, Chris Holmes wrote:
>> I submitted a proposal for GeoServer at the link you gave us, got a  
>> confirmation email and everything, is there something else I'm  
>> supposed to do.  There's a very slight chance I may not personally  
>> make it, but my organization will definitely send someone to give  the 
>> talk.  Do you want Jody and Frank to just email you confirming,  or to 
>> submit on the conference tracker thing?
> Sorry, you're right: you did send it in.  I was tripped up by it not  
> appearing in the web schedule yet (something that'll happen in the  
> fullness of time as Vee, our speaker coordinator, marks it as  
> accepted).  We can't put things into the schedule unless they're put  
> into the form, so just fill out the form and email me.

>> Neither GeoServer or uDig are technically in the OSGeo foundation,  at 
>> least not yet, so it might make more sense to have GDAL and two  other 
>> foundation projects follow that talk, and have GeoServer,  uDig and WW 
>> do lightnings together.  Which would make a lot of  sense, as they 
>> lead a wave of desktop/internet GIS (with not only  WMS, but also WFS, 
>> which WW is supposed to have soon).  We could  even try to coordinate 
>> a demo, show how both can clients can  connect to GeoServer with the 
>> power of standards, demonstrate how  feature edits and style changes 
>> in uDig show up in WW...
> So you're talking about:
> Integration Demo
>  * GeoServer + uDig + WorldWind
> Gary Lang gives the OSGeo talk
> Lightning Talks:
>  * two other foundation projects
> I like that.  Particularly if there's a demo and not just lightning  
> talks.  The WorldWind story to me is not just about OGC connectivity  
> but also about being a neutral meeting point for Yahoo! APIs,  
> VirtualEarth imagery, etc.  That's probably more than 5m of  speaking.  
> It's significant that Google's the only project that  hasn't worked with 
> WorldWind, probably because they have a  competitor.  I'll be sure to 
> mention that afterward as a jab :-)
> If OSGeo and AutoDesk cool with that setup, I'll Make It So.  
It looks like we're all good with this.  I'm working on what the other 
two foundation projects will be.  It looks like uDig isn't going to make 
it, so we could slot another OSGeo project in there, or if none steps up 
then just go with GeoServer + WW.

I think there could be a compelling story on the GeoServer side of 
things that fit in with WW.  Namely 'glue' for the geospatial web. 
GeoServer supports PNG, JPEG, SVG, KML and PDF output formats, and 
perhaps I could try to get a GeoRSS one out too, and we're getting a 
good gmaps tutorial as well.  So just as WW can glue in diverse sources 
on the client side, so too can GeoServer glue your data to a number of 
different clients.  If MapBender or MapBuilder could make it they could 
fit in well, as both do WFS-T, so you can show how modifications to 
GeoServer show up on worldwind.


> Nat
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Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
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