[VisCom] Official logo? (urgent)

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Tue May 23 23:39:18 EDT 2006

I have an EPS file.  Will that format work for you?

We are getting pretty close to having these formats figured out and a set of 
standard logos in place... I just need a bit more time :)


On Tuesday 23 May 2006 17:39, Michael P. Gerlek wrote:
> I need the "official" logo for ordering shirts, right quick.    Larger
> size better than smaller.  Vector format preferred, but I'll take what I
> can get.
> (If need be, I will extract the logo from Peter's Where ad -- but it is
> a little on the small side, and I'd have to crop out the "Open Source
> Geospatial Foundation" text, though, as that would be too small to
> render in fabric...)
> -mpg
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