[VisCom] Where scheduling (please submit Bios!)

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at ccgis.de
Wed May 24 19:42:16 EDT 2006

On Thu, May 25, 2006 00:22, Chris Holmes wrote:
> Yeah, I was going to give instructions on how to submit bios and all
> once we figured out who was going when.  You can also just send me the
> bio's and contact info.  Vee will likely have you still submit on their
> forms.
> There should be room for Sean on the agenda, we have 2-3 lightning slots.
> Since Dave just responded that he's willing to go BOF with MapServer,
> and I'm assuming Arnulf and Mark were both interested in the main event,
> let's just go with that (unless anyone objects, wants some more fair way
> to do it).
> So we'll have 1) 15 minute session with three lightning talks
> 1) Frank and GDAL
> 2) Sean and MapGuide
> 3) Mark and OSSIM
> Then Arnulf will coordinate with us (geoserver) and WorldWind on a nice
> 15 minutes integration session/demo.  Arnulf, would you have some time
> to coordinate with that?

Yes, sure. We have just finished the WFS-T client digitizing module and it
uses GeoServer. Its really cool, nice to show off, the background data
obviously comes from a MapServer...

> GRASS has their own session.  The only ones out are MapBuilder and
> GeoTools, but we could probably convince Brent, the GeoServer developer
> I'm sending, who's done work on both GeoTools and MapBuilder, to at
> least say a few words at the BOF.

I will mention MapBuilder together with Mapbender, we have the long time
goal of getting together, this is a nice finishing line for a talk.

> I'll send Vee their contact info, and she can likely follow up with
> instructions on how to do the bio.
> Chris

Did you get my bio, i was shy to send it to the list...


Do we need the growing email list or are people on the VisCom list anyway?

> Peter Moran wrote:
>> Chris,
>> Sorry, meant to ad:  Please confirm when you can if there's room for
>> Sean on the agenda for a lightning talk, and what his time slot should
>> be.  Also, any idea how to submit speaker bios?  Should we work with the
>> conference organizers on this once time is determined?
>> Peter
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Peter Moran
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 2:12 PM
>> To: dev at visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org; mlucas17 at mac.com; Arnulf Christl
>> Cc: Sean Sternfeldt
>> Subject: RE: [VisCom] Where scheduling (please submit Bios!)
>> Chris,
>> Sean Sternfeldt will give a lightning talk on MapGuide Open Source, and
>> has been added to
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/OSGeo_at_Where_2.0#Speakers
>> Peter
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Chris Holmes [mailto:cholmes at openplans.org]
>> Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2006 12:34 PM
>> To: mlucas17 at mac.com; Arnulf Christl
>> Cc: viscomm
>> Subject: [VisCom] Where scheduling (please submit Bios!)
>> Ok, I'm working with Nat right now on scheduling.
>> There are two to three open 5 minute spots in the conference, and so far
>> I've just heard back from Mark and Arnulf (I think) about wanting to
>> present.  Frank is already confirmed for GDAL/OGR.  Could you guys get
>> me your contact information and a brief bio, like:
>> http://conferences.oreillynet.com/pub/w/47/speakers.html ?
>> Peter, can you figure out if Autodesk wants someone to do a lightning
>> talk on MapGuide?
>> And do either Tyler or Dave want to do a MapServer talk?
>> If all four are interested then we'll have to do one in the BOF (if
>> anyone has a preference for the BOF let me know).  I (or Brent, another
>> GeoTools developer) can also do GeoTools, I'm fine with having that as
>> part of the BOF
>> Note one of the extra slots is in an 'integration session', that
>> GeoServer and WorldWind are going to do together.  I was thinking it
>> could make sense to have MapBuilder go there, do some WFS-T editing that
>> shows up in WW through GeoServer.
>> Chris
> --
> Chris Holmes
> The Open Planning Project
> http://topp.openplans.org
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Arnulf Christl

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