[VisCom] RE: [OSGeo-Board] OSGeo logo on business cards and other printed materials

Mark Lucas mlucas at radiantblue.com
Mon Nov 20 11:27:34 EST 2006

I'd like to find a way to let them have the logo on their business  
cards.  If they are promoting OSGeo, I think that is a good thing.   
Perhaps with some sort of qualifier --  member of OSGeo or Supporter  
of OSGeo.


On Nov 20, 2006, at 11:24 AM, Chris Holmes wrote:

> Maybe we could have a 'local chapter' logo?  So that they can have  
> an OSGeo Japan local chapter one that they can use on their cards.
> I'm not sure what the culture is in Japan, but I would think having  
> an OSGeo specific card could be a nice way to work it.  Then when  
> they're representing OSGeo they'd give out that card.  I agree that  
> slapping an OSGeo logo on another business card wouldn't be the  
> best thing.
> Chris
> Jason Birch wrote:
>> That wiki page is considerably dated; I'd imagine that VisCom  
>> would have a different take on it at this point.   I personally  
>> don't think that OSGeo logos should be allowed on business cards  
>> unless:
>>  - The business card is OSGeo-specific (not an existing company  
>> card) or
>> - The company whose card it is on has paid a certain sponsorship  
>> level
>>  This comes back to members being individuals rather than  
>> corporate entities.   I can see the visibility benefits of  
>> allowing use, but I don't see a way of doing this without diluting  
>> the brand.
>>  Jason
>>  ________________________________
>> From: venka.osgeo
>> Sent: Sat 2006-11-18 9:42 PM
>> To: dev at visibilitycommittee.osgeo.org; OSGeo-Board
>> Subject: [OSGeo-Board] OSGeo logo on business cards and other  
>> printed materials
>> Dear All,
>> Some Japan OSGeo Chapter members are requesting the
>> use of OSGeo Logo on their business cards.
>> I have gone thru the discussion on the Logo
>> usage is also available at
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Logo_Use
>> and my present understanding based on the
>> above discussion is that
>> Mori-san can use it since he is Japan Chapter Representative
>> and also one of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation
>> Charter Members.
>> I am also permitted to use the logo on my business card
>> since I am one of the board member and
>> one of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation Charter
>> Members.
>> Could someone please clarify about use of OSGeo logo on
>> business cards by other members of Local Chapter. Business
>> card is a vital part of Japanese business and
>> academic community and it is a good way of increasing
>> visibility of OSGeo at least in Japan. I personally
>> think that more number of people start using the logo
>> on business cards the better.
>> Kind regards
>> Venka
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> -- 
> Chris Holmes
> The Open Planning Project
> http://topp.openplans.org
> <cholmes.vcf>
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