FW: Map Asia & OSGeo - Press Coverage

Lisa Landers (Temp) Lisa.Landers at autodesk.com
Thu Sep 14 11:02:38 EDT 2006

FYI -- Asia press blurb

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Calvin Chan 
	Sent: Thu 9/14/2006 2:37 AM 
	To: Lisa Landers (Temp); Diana Helfrich (Consultant); Kirsten Davidson; Jan Kowleski 
	Cc: Karen Brewer; Rodger Soo; Yves Dehouck; Dan Ahern; Sheila Coache 
	Subject: RE: Map Asia & OSGeo - Press Coverage

	Hi Lisa, Diana,


	Here’s another newsclip from Asia Surveying and Mapping newsletter, Sep 13, 2006 issue.




	OS Geo 
	A new organisation was launched at the Map Asia conference. The Open Source Geospatial Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation. Its mission is to support collaborative development of open geospatial technolgies and data. 
	The organisation is being driven by Dr-Ing Phison Santitamnont <mailto:phisan_chale at yahoo.com>  at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. 
	OSGeo is modelled on the MapServer at the University of Minnesota in the US. It includes access to software developed on that site, such as MapGuide and Grass.








	From: Calvin Chan 
	Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 5:10 PM
	To: Lisa Landers (Temp); Diana Helfrich (Consultant); Kirsten Davidson; Jan Kowleski
	Cc: Karen Brewer; Rodger Soo; Yves Dehouck; Dan Ahern; Sheila Coache
	Subject: RE: Map Asia & OSGeo - Press Coverage


	Hi Lisa, Diana,


	Here’s one press coverage as a result of geospatial thought leadership press conference held in conjunction with MapAsia event. 


	Please see attached or click the following url.









	From: Calvin Chan 
	Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 11:30 PM
	To: Lisa Landers (Temp); Diana Helfrich (Consultant); Kirsten Davidson; Jan Kowleski
	Subject: Map Asia & OSGeo
	Importance: High


	Hi Lisa, Diana, Kirsten,


	Here’s the press briefing doc for Geoff Zeiss, slides for the press, welcome notes from OSGeo China and Japan. I’ll send across some photos next week.


	Summary of activities:


	*	Wed Aug 30 

		*	3.45pm, Geoff Zeiss, Autodesk, keynote on “Enterprise GIS and Infrastructure Development” 

	*	Thu Aug 31 

		*	10am-12pm Autodesk Press conference (ASEAN media) with Geoff Zeiss and Dr. Phisan Santitamnont at Swissotel Le Concorde 
		*	1pm-3pm Autodesk Press conference (Thai media) with Geoff Zeiss at Swissotel Le Concorde 

	*	Fri Sep 1 

		*	11am, Dr. Phisan Santitamnont, OSGEO as workshop leader to chair the Technical Session "Surveying, Mapping and Geodesy," 


	*	Fri Sep 8 

		*	Open Source Software in Geoinformatics  Seminar.  OSGeo Thailand Chapter announced at the event. 





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