Wiki Status

Daniel Brookshier dbrookshier at
Thu Mar 2 00:15:59 EST 2006

We are getting ready for a URL integration to the site by adding  
Arnulf's wiki to This will at least let the committees,  
board, and anyone that wants, to use a wiki. Its new address will  be Not sure of the time frame - still working on the  
process. Guessing less than a week or two to get both parties to pull  
the switch. There should only be a short interruption in wiki access  
when it is moved.

This is half just-get-it-done and half great-solution. In other  
words, we are already using it, it works great so far, and it is a  
stable solution. We might consider hosting it elsewhere, but there is  
no immediate hurry. They have a good backup schedule, so  things are  
safely in hand. We just need to watch the performance. It is on a  
shared server hosted in Germany. Overall risk is minimal.

We can do the same for the other flavors by letting volunteer's get  
servers subdomained. But we don't want to do multiple wikis or  
Plones, etc. I think one URL per prime flavor is enough. We should be  
careful about fragmentation too. Mixing any content between these  
should be strongly limited. We are already fragmenting the search  
capability.  Also remember that CollabNet is moving in this  
direction, so with one wiki there will be breathing room.

If you have questions, let me know.

Daniel Brookshier
Community Manager
turbogeek at
dbrookshier at

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