Should we have a meeting soon?

Fred Warnock fred.warnock at
Tue Mar 7 11:40:12 EST 2006


Firstly, Thanks to Jason and Daniel for all the effort and activity on 
the site lately.  I've kinda let myself fall out of the loop since our 
teleconference, and now find that this thing seems really daunting.

Jason, since you have obviously already dived in, I value your insights 
and comments and find your suggestions very constructive, and would like 
to chat with you soon.

I feel the need for the web-com to have a meeting to discuss some 
things, and to set up the tone and time for regular meetings.

Some of the things I would like to know and discuss are as follows

1) when are people able to actively work on the site? days(s) and time(s)
2) how often should we have regular meetings?
  - Weekly, bi-weekly, monthly?
  - best time seems to be in the evening 7 or 8 until 8 or 9 (lets keep 
them to an hour at the most)
3) how should we conduct our meetings?
  - we should have a clear agenda, at the very least we should come to 
those meetings with a list of issues that need to be discussed
  - I think each time, someone should "chair" the meeting to keep us on 
topic and on time
  - I also think someone should "record" the meeting as a list of 
assigned tasks, or issues etc. in a wiki.  This person could also be the 
4) what are our priorities?
5) what do people want to tackle?
6) how do we deal with suggestions?
7) should we nominate a "lead" from our number?  Does Frank become our 
"lead" as he's on the board? Is Daniel our "lead" since he's our 
community manager... I ask this since I work much better when a clear 
lead is established
8) site design ideas and organization.  Jason I know you are already 
discussing this on the list, but a discussion could be useful to get 
"buy in"
9) Protocol with what we can decide on the list and what should be 
decided in meetings

btw, I've been reading a project management book lately called "Applied 
Software Project Management"... I don't normally talk like this ;)

if we can all agree on a date and time for the meeting by the end of 
today that would be awesome.

I suggest Thursday night at 8:00pm EST I think that's 7:00pm central

all the best,

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