[Web Comm] RE: WWW migration

Auke Jilderda auke at collab.net
Fri Sep 22 08:13:32 EDT 2006

On 08 September 2006 17:05, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> I don't think the intention was to directly manage email through
> Drupal.  I was expecting to use a conventional mail queue software
> (sendmail?), and Mailman as the mailing list manager.  But I think if
> we can ensure that we can direct email to a given machine we can take
> care of getting it processed.

Sendmail is an MTA but I think I understand what you mean: configuring
Drupal to deliver through CEE or vice versa.

> With appropriate warning, etc.
> Also, for the time being if the mail can continue to be processed via
> the existing lists on CN that would also be fine.  But my concern was
> whether this would be "managable" when the www.osgeo.org http/https is
> all going elsewhere (ie. Drupal).

That should be feasible I think.  First steps should be to get both
sides integrated on a web level?


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