[OSGeo-Board] Re: [Web Comm] RE: [OSGeo-Board] Service Provider Directory

Jo Walsh jo at frot.org
Thu Sep 28 17:34:58 EDT 2006

On Wed, Sep 27, 2006 at 11:02:16AM -0700, Jason Birch wrote:
> Just change the scope of the GeoData harvester to include consulting
> services :) 

You people are sick. 

FWIW there is some talk within GeoNetwork-devel of connecting through
to organisational network mapping projects like http://sioc-project.org/

So this may not be totally unrealisable. Certainly if people were
being allocated contract work based on what they advertise in the
GetCapabilities of their OGC web services then we would be starting to
see a lot more realistic and fullbodied metadata than we do now. 

Well if a totally open directory run by OSGeo does go ahead; are there
implementation plans; will this be under the main www. site or get
punted to a subdomain - other bland practical questions - apols if i
have missed a loop on this one.



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