[Webcom] Proposal: Feedback mechanism for www.osgeo.org

Dave Patton davep at confluence.org
Tue Feb 27 12:18:52 EST 2007

Kanhaiya kale ( कન્હૈযা ਕਾளெ ) wrote:
> Hi all,
> Good Morning.
> First i thought we should use any home made "PHP form" for feedback
> mechanism. but while searching(googling) i got module
> "feedback.module<http://drupal.org/project/feedback>"
> which is used specifically for feedback meachanism. This module has 
> features
> which is fulfilling our basic requirement. This module specifically allow
> users/visitors to contact one or more e-mail address.
> The given module contains following features:

>   - Logs the IP address of the sender and the browser they are using
>   (helps detect bots, and abuse)

Spammers are now using bots to send spam via web forms. One
technique is to get a copy of the page with the form, then
the bot uses information from that page to post to the
target of that page. Some security measures against spammers
should be included right from the start(not just logging).

Dave Patton

Canadian Coordinator, Degree Confluence Project

Personal website - Maps, GPS, etc.

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