[WebCom] Web Site Translations

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Fri Jan 5 20:34:25 EST 2007

> If it is practical to do so, I think providing accounts on the Drupal
> instance to any member of webcom or other committee lead who needs it
> would be reasonable to ensure folks can do what needs to be done.

+1 - sounds like a policy to me!

I was sort of viewing this as impractical because there have been a  
few confused users wondering how all their logins tie together: old  
CN www accounts, Telascience LDAP, new LDAP, old (community) drupal  
prototype, mailing list, svn commits, etc.   Hence my reluctance  
until LDAP comes to the rescue :)  But obviously enough people need  
to get in, so I'll gladly hook up more user accounts into Drupal for  
anyone who needs it.  I've already given the Mapbender and MapGuide  
project managers access to their sites - and that is only recent as  
well - now that importing of content is complete.

I initially turned off user registration - I would like to turn it  
back on, now that the default 'authenticated user' role has been made  
more secure.  Then an admin can grant the higher role to our webcom/ 
sac teams when requested.  Do you think this is a good approach?


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