[Webcom] More on translation

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas jsanz_listas at geomaticblog.net
Mon Oct 1 08:06:29 EDT 2007

2007/9/28, Arnulf Christl <arnulf.christl at wheregroup.com>:
> Hello translators,
> this is a first try at trying to set up a process for keeping translations
> up to date. Currently this will have to be a manual process.
> I have updated the Sponsor pages for all translations to reflect the
> current list of seven sponsors in three categories. Some pages did not
> have the category "Supporting Sponsors" yet, so I did some guesswork and
> asked people or just left the English title. Please got to your respective
> translation and correct whatever I messed up there. We should try to keep
> a few blank lines between titles and sponsor sections so that updating in
> future will be easier. Hopefully we will need to update this page a lot
> more often...

Hi list

Arnulf, your translation into Spanish is quite fine, but we have some
doubts about sponsors levels.

What's the difference between sustaining and supporting sponsors?

I've requested some help in the Spanish list because "patrocinadores
apoyadores" sounds strange so maybe in some hours we will have a
better title.

> :-)
> I have no understanding of how we should go about keeping translations
> synced in future.
> I am also not very happy with the Wiki page for translations. It is good
> that we have it because we have nothing else but it feels like it is not
> the right technology to do it with. If anybody has any ideas on how to
> improve this, please let this list know.

I'm not sure if that is possible, but maybe if someone takes care of a
translated web page (some kind of "maitainer") and on every change  on
a page all the other langages mantainers should be emailed to request
the update of the pages.

Watching the differences between current and previous page one should
be able to update their own local language page.

Maybe we can use Trac to log changes on the website and translators
could get tickets to update their pages.

Best regards
Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
Ingeniero en Geodesia y Cartografía

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