[Webcom] New website theme is up (not the content though)

Tyler Mitchell tmitchell at osgeo.org
Tue Oct 25 17:04:42 EDT 2011

On 2011-10-24, at 10:39 PM, Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:
>> As far as I can tell interest in this redesign waned.
> My recollection was that you did not like it and then nobody dared to
> pull it through.

Not really, was just lack of skill, ability or time - trying to do it on my
own didn't work either :)

The new layout site map was documented a while back, you
can see it here:


Green pages exist already, black do not.
I'm going to pull some more samples together, will see if I can do
much on it today.  Otherwise wait a week and I'll get back to it
if it is still a priority for me.


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