[Webcom] Archiving FOSS4G 2013 public and private mailing lists

Jorge Sanz jsanz at osgeo.org
Thu Jan 23 06:49:35 PST 2014

2014/1/23 Jo Cook <jocook at astuntechnology.com>:
> Hi Webcom,
> Just wondering what the procedure is for archiving/closing the two mailing
> lists relating to FOSS4G 2013? The only posts that there have been for
> several months have been spam.
> Thanks
> Jo
> --
> *Jo Cook*
> Astun Technology Ltd, The Coach House, 17 West Street, Epsom, Surrey, KT18
> 7RL, UK
> t:+44 7930 524 155
> iShare - Data integration and publishing platform<http://www.isharemaps.com/>
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Hi Jo, cross-posting to SAC list your question for further discussion
but probably a ticket on the OSGeo trac would be the preferred


Jorge Sanz

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