[Web Comm] Single Sign On SSO

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Sun Apr 2 12:25:52 EDT 2006

Arnulf Christl wrote:
>> SSO using OGC interfaces?  Sometimes I'm not sure when you are serious!
> Sure am. Where is the problem?


First, I don't know anything about specific security work at OGC.
When I was last involved in such efforts we just punted, and made
all the security the responsibility of the normal web architecture.

>>  > In the long run we will want to have SSO including the Wiki, the
>>> OSGeo domain *and* the OSGeo SDI stack. That would be cool. Maybe add 
>>> some GeoACXML certification to the process, reduces the overhead of 
>>> logging into LDAPs and reading Cookies across domain limits.
>> Well, I'm feeling "in over my head".
> What is "in over my head"? My translator [1] gives me:
> to be in over your head with debt
> to be head over heels in love
> That's over my head
> He's head over heels in love
> She's head over heels in love
> I suspect that you are in love with me. You know we non-English native 
> speakers sometimes do have a hard time.

Well, we won't speak of my love here.

In this context "in over my head" relates to swimming in deep
water where I might easy drown.  It is meant to imply that you
are using a bunch of terms I don't know and that I am not really
qualified to discuss security at a deep level.

> Cool. Where do we discuss? I could sure get them off list but it would 
> make sense to move the discussion to one of the many new mailing lists 
> if only to be able to say  afterwards that it was all discussed in 
> public. Need another smiley to believe that I am sure serious? Here we 
> go :-)

A good question. I'll cc: Norman Vine.  Norman, I think a mailing list
(on mail.osgeo.org or perhaps even webcommittee.osgeo.org if we consider
the telescience work affiliated with WebCOM) would be a good idea.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGF, http://osgeo.org

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