[Web Comm] Anonymous access to SVN

Daniel Brookshier dbrookshier at collab.net
Sun Apr 23 16:52:04 EDT 2006

I'll look into it. It should work.

Daniel Brookshier | Community Manager | CollabNet, Inc.
8000 Marina Blvd. Suite 600 | Brisbane, CA 94005 | USA
O 972.422.5261 | C 214.207.6614 | dbrookshier at collab.net

On Apr 23, 2006, at 2:12 PM, Arnulf Christl wrote:

> Hi
> I have been informed that it is not possible to access SVN anonymously
> (read only obviously) although it says so in the CN help. It should  
> either
> be possible or the help should say that it is not. I personally don't
> really care because it is a minor issue to create an account at  
> OSGeo to
> get read access but. Well, nothing but really. It should be accessible
> anon... :-)
> --
> Arnulf
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