[Web Comm] Fwd: About project categories

Auke Jilderda auke at collab.net
Thu Aug 3 05:19:36 EDT 2006

On 24 July 2006 23:57, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> I think this is something Auke would do if we wanted to change the
> categories.  I believe I also have a sufficient access level, but I'm
> leery to fiddle with such things.

(You have but) I can certainly take care of it.

> <snip> IMHO, we shouldn't be putting to much effort into the CN
> platform groups categorization as I don't think most people new to the
> site are going to make use of it.  Instead I think just appropriate
> web navigation pages is the key to finding things.  But the breakdown
> is quite good.

Yes, the key here is to provide enough structure to help people find
what they are looking for but avoid over engineering.

On 25 July 2006 00:27, Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> Good idea.  Simple but well-designed categories will make the site
> navigation easy.

So if I am not mistaken, the proposal now evolved to:
  |- software projects
  |- foundation
     |- committees
     |- local chapters
        |- countries
        |- ???
  |- infrastructure


Optionally, we could consider to use categories for classifying projects
into incubation or approved status, either like this:
  |- software projects
     |- incubator
     |- approved
or with a separate top level:
  |- status
     |- incubator
     |- approved
  |- software projects
It's just a thought.  The up side is that it enables people to browse
projects in a particular state.  Then again, question is whether people
would really browse projects that way and the status could be
administred differently and elsewhere.


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