[Web Comm] Testing the web committee list

Tyler Mitchell tjm at timberline.ca
Thu Feb 23 16:15:27 EST 2006

Hi guys - I just noticed that there have been updates to the page:

Since that is really the formal motion from the board for starting this
committee - I suggest we roll back any updates.  I think the main
updates should be yanked off and put onto a web committee topic like

I don't mind doing this - but didn't want to move content before talking
with those who added it.  I'd move the Requesting Membership topic to a
main WebComm page.  And I'd move the content from WebComTODO over to the
WebComm main page too and point to that as a follow up to the motion.

Anyway, easy issues to fix.  Any objections?


Daniel Brookshier wrote:
> Greetings everyone. If you are receiving this email message, you are 
> part of the web committee for OSGeo.org
> Daniel Brookshier
> Community Manager
> 214-207-6614
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