updated permissions

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Mon Jun 26 11:21:37 EDT 2006


-----Original Message-----
From: Auke Jilderda [mailto:auke at collab.net] 
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 01:58
To: Jason Birch
Cc: dev at webcommittee.osgeo.org; Andrew Kelly
Subject: RE: updated permissions


Andrew granted you the "co-project owner" role which includes the
permission to delete folders and modules in the CVS repository.  In
other words, you should be all set.


On Saturday, June 24, 2006 1:04, Andrew Kelly wrote:
> Jason,
> I saw you posted a question to Auke and the mailing list, I thought 
> I'd pick it up since Auke is out today.  I updated your permissions in

> the "www" project to allow for news posting, editing, deleting.  You 
> had asked a question about announcements and the announce mailing 
> list, yes, all announcements are archived in the announce at ... mailing 
> list.
> As for your question about CVS admin rights I'm going to have to pass 
> that one off to Auke for Monday, I'm not sure how to go about that.
> Cheers,
> Andrew

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