[Web Comm] Removing members from committees

Andrew Kelly akelly at collab.net
Wed Jun 28 11:43:25 EDT 2006


Good point.  Daniel's situation is unique but it is a procedural gap
right now.  How about a simple email to the committee mailing list,
proposing the removal, with a +1 response mechanism?


-----Original Message-----
From: Tyler Mitchell [mailto:tylermitchell at shaw.ca] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 8:18 AM
To: dev at webcommittee.osgeo.org
Cc: OSGeo-Board
Subject: [Web Comm] Removing members from committees

Just a quick reminder from a 'procedure' point of view... I believe  
that committees/projects who want to remove someone from a committee  
(i.e. Daniel) should _eventually_ do it formally through a vote at a  
committee meeting.  Of course he's not active in this example anyway,  
but we might as well get used to the procedures instead of just  
deleting a name from a wiki or dropping roles.  Make sense?

Bureaucratically yours,

On 28-Jun-06, at 7:39 AM, Auke Jilderda wrote:

> On Tuesday, June 27, 2006 19:22, Jason Birch wrote:
>> <snip>
>> Auke, given that Daniel is no longer our community manager, could you
>> please make sure that his account roles are reverted to at most
>> "Content Viewer" for all existing projects?
> Daniel had the following roles:
>     autodesk-priv           Project Owner
>     committee-projects      Co-Project Owner
>     feedback                Co-Project Owner
>     foundation-and-website  Co-Project Owner
>     incubator               Project Owner
>     incubator-list          Co-Project Owner
>     local-osgeo-chapters    Co-Project Owner
>     mapguide-jp             Project Owner
>     news                    Co-Project Owner
>     numbers-testing         Co-Project Owner
>     open-source-projects    Co-Project Owner
>     testing                 Project Owner
>     visibilitycommittee     Project Contributor
>     website-misc            Co-Project Owner
> I revoked these, replacing him with Andrew and me.  Reason for  
> revoking
> rather than changing is that his account is disabled anyway so it's  
> just
> cleaning up.  Also revoked the domain admin role.
> Auke
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