[Web Comm] Coordination on board nominations.

Daniel Brookshier dbrookshier at collab.net
Sat Mar 4 08:58:15 EST 2006

Interesting. I might be the only one that can see the look dir.

The home page is

Right column:

Left Navigation:

Left nav is deep in the look directory, so I might have the only keys  
for that.

Most of the conten is the er... content directory.

Daniel Brookshier
Community Manager

On Mar 4, 2006, at 1:27 AM, Jason Birch wrote:

> I just updated the osgeo.org main page with more info...
> I didn't see any files ending in vm, or the look directory...  Nor  
> could I figure out how the left navbar is updated.  Is that always  
> going to be a back-end function, or did I just miss a file?
> Jason
> From: Daniel Brookshier [mailto:dbrookshier at collab.net]
> Sent: Fri 2006-03-03 2:00 PM
> To: dev at webcommittee.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [Web Comm] Coordination on board nominations.
> It is direct access on the well-known port.
> Adding you to the commit role so that you can test it. Here is an
> example:
> :pserver:dbrookshier at cvs.osgeo.org:/cvs
> Please be very careful with anything that ends with vm. These are
> very picky about spacing in some instances. Also don't do anything in
> the look directory without talking to me.
> Everyone in the web committee that wants write access or is curious
> should subscribe to cvs mailing list found on this page:
> https://www.osgeo.org/servlets/ProjectMailingListList
> This list will echo any commits to the web page.
> Daniel Brookshier
> Community Manager
> 214-207-6614
> <ATT20387576.txt>

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