[Web Comm] Reporting out

Daniel Brookshier dbrookshier at collab.net
Fri Mar 10 01:01:26 EST 2006

Looks good to me.

Daniel Brookshier
Community Manager

On Mar 9, 2006, at 9:10 PM, Jason Birch wrote:

> I don't think that we covered this explicitly, but I think it's  
> understood that as chair Daniel will be reporting out at the next  
> board meeting in general, and specifically:
> - Recommend adoption of logo contest, with close date and prize at  
> board's discretion
> - Update membership of committee.
> If it's OK, I'm going to remove the misleading link to the projects  
> page for membership, and post this on the page:
> Daniel Brookshier (chair)
> Howard Butler
> Fred Warnock
> Pericles Nacionales   * Would you prefer Perry? *
> Claude Philipona
> Jason Birch
> Jody Garnett
> Failing a response on this, I'll post after 12 hours :)
> Jason
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