[Web Comm] Logo Contest revisited

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Sat Mar 11 06:33:42 EST 2006

I'd be interested.  Can you add them to our webcom documents section?
I get the feeling that you're selling yourself short :)
BTW, I made a number of updates to the look of the pages on the main site and our landing page; leveraging the CN styles as we talked about at the meeting.  Feedback anyone?
Jody, I saw a IRC comment by you asking about minutes; they're attached to the bottom of the agenda here:

From: Jody Garnett [mailto:jgarnett at refractions.net]
Subject: Re: [Web Comm] Logo Contest revisited

Let me try an approach - I had a bit of sketch session. And have an
amusing progress of around 40 logos that will make for a bit of humour
on the osgeo site.  They can servce of an example of the above sketch
idea and hopefully encourage some part submissions.

There are around three good ideas in there (the point of having a good
time visually is to be creative and discover something worth while), but
I would be happy to share the lot with the community if you guys want a

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