[intl-discuss] Re: Promotion and Visibility Committee

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Sun Mar 12 11:03:50 EST 2006

mar cronchera wrote:
> 1:
> I'm interested in translating it into catalonian, and posibly into spanish
> if there's noone yet..
> mission, faq, what else?


I think how much is translated would depend on your time to do it.
But best to focus on items that are reasonably stable, and of broad
interest for the best payoff.

I would encourage you to work with WebCom on this.  They may need to
come up with a mechanism for translators who are not members of the
committee to still contribute and manage translated materials easily.
I'm cc:ing WebCom on this message since much of it relates to the web site.

> -Locate the languages in a world map, No dropdown-flag:
> Prepare a beautiful fisic world map to link to the site's diferent
> languages translations
> (my vote for eckert or pete)
> The places in the world map where there would not be tranlation yet, could
> be directed to an invitation url to do so in yourlang.
> The sea ... mmm.. eennuuu...  or for esperanto, or ...

I'm not so sure that we need the map for identifying translations available
or needed.  But I would really like to see a global map that can be used
to find members (voting and associate), conferences, organizations and
so forth.  Arnulf has been talking about managing such information in
a WFS-T and using it as a sort of reference application for our software
stack.  This seems a bit longer term, but it would be a nice way to bring
together several things - our software, maps, and a way of finding things

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGF, http://osgeo.org

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