[Web Comm] content/governance directory

Auke Jilderda auke at collab.net
Mon Sep 25 08:46:32 EDT 2006

I dug around a bit but the closest I could find in the online help [1]
states exactly what the manual states.  I'd be interested in other ways
but so far can't find it.


 1. https://www.osgeo.org/scdocs/ddCVS_cvsmanaging.html.en 

On 22 September 2006 17:01, Jason Birch wrote:
> There's a place in the CollabNet docs showing how an admin can
> physically remove directories (likely with an rm), but the option
> never showed up for me when I worked through the instructions.  I'd
> have to hunt around to find it, but I think it's in this group's
> archives somewhere.
> Jason

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