[webmap-discuss] Fwd: OsGeo AJAX Web Mapping discussion at Lausanne (foss4g)

Lorenzo Becchi lorenzo at ominiverdi.com
Sun Aug 27 19:46:02 EDT 2006

Great Bob,
it would be nice to have the opportunity to present briefly each  
project participating and then start the debate.

I think it could be useful to underline which functions/libraries/ 
whatever each project feels as keys and can contribute to other  
applications or to a new, more general, application. Another point   
could evaluate which other functions can be lacking and merged from  
other projects.
just an idea

I still don't know how much time we are going to have to stay together.
Maybe Olivier can have an answer.

A nice example could be what Cameron Shorter, if I've understood,  
want to do with his debugging widget. It could be the first used by  
all AJAX projects. Basically, I'm interested.


On 27/ago/06, at 07:42, Robert Bray wrote:

> I'd love to attend / contribute representing the MapGuide project.
> Bob
> On 24-Aug-06, at 10:15 AM, Lorenzo Becchi wrote:
>> So it seems that's planned
>> Please comment freely.
>> ciao
>> Lorenzo
>>> From: Olivier Ertz
>>> Date: 24 agosto 2006 17:55:44 GMT+02:00
>>> To: Lorenzo Becchi <lorenzo at ominiverdi.com>
>>> Cc: program at foss4g2006.org
>>> Subject: Re: OsGeo AJAX  Web Mapping discussion at Lausanne (foss4g)
>>> Great ! We've already planned to schedule time for a BOFs about  
>>> ka-Map/OpenLayers.
>>> It can take place during lunch or Wednesday between 18:00 and 20:00.
>>> Do you have a short description of this debate we could include  
>>> in the conference book ?
>>> Cordially,
>>> Olivier.
>>> Lorenzo Becchi a écrit :
>>>> First of all I'm presenting me:
>>>> Lorenzo Becchi
>>>> ominiverdi.org
>>>> ka-Map co-developer
>>>> There's (maybe) the chance to have the space of a conference for  
>>>> a debate on this issue.
>>>> I've collected the interest of ka-Map and OpenLayers developers  
>>>> but I'm sure there are more developers interested in this issue.
>>>> The more we are the best will be (I hope) this first common and  
>>>> open discussion.
>>>> As far as other groups agree participating I'll inform the  
>>>> foss4g commission (CC).
>>>> best regards
>>>> Lorenzo Becchi
>>> -- 
>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>>> FOSS4G2006 - Free And Open Source Software for Geoinformatics
>>> See the conference website : http://www.foss4g2006.org
>>> - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
>> <olivier.ertz.vcf>

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