WPS interfaces

Lorenzo Becchi lorenzo at ominiverdi.com
Wed Nov 22 12:44:20 EST 2006

here at ominiverdi we've started developing a couple of interfaces  
for WPS (Embrio and Wuiw).
Jachym Cepicky (CC) hosted us in his beautiful PyWPS project:

A concept application, something to play with:

WPS, as all OGC web services, has a formal and precise syntax to chat  
with the server.
Metadata inclusion let developers customize parameters for their  
now the invitation:
We invite all interested developers in the definition of a common set  
of metadata to let WPS ask for input fields.
Here below the wiki page:

I don't want to write too much, I still don't know if somebody here  
could be interested.
in our imagination, this solution should allow a generic WPS process  
to ask a web interface, a QGIS plugins or whatever plugin to show the  
user all form fields needed to define parameters.

any kind of comments are welcome

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