[Webmap-discuss] GeoMoose vs. OpenLayers for specific project (Was Re: [mapserver-users] Advice for MapServer project)

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 06:19:47 EST 2008

Christopher Schmidt wrote:
>>> One last item, is that GeoMoose the interface is initiaqlized from a XML 
>>> file, a MAPBOOK, so setting up business specific interfaces is very 
>>> easy.  
> I'll admit that OpenLayers eschews non-standard XML-based configuration,
> tending instead towards standards like WMC for configuration via XML.
> Mostly, howeveer, it's true that OpenLayers expects users to configure
> their application via Javascript. MapBuilder is the tool to use if
> XML-based configuration is really your thing, and you're interested in
> OpenLayers: It's all done via some XML document that is being
> standardized as they build it or something, as far as I understand it.    
Yes, Mapbuilder (which builds upon Openlayers) has a config.xml file 
which is probably similar to MAPBOOK. It describes widgets, models and 
tools in a Web Page.
Techies have discussed the idea of creating an OGC standard for 
config.xml a few times, but as yet the business drivers for sharing this 
information between applications has not been strong enough to sponsor 
such standards.

Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Systems Architect
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