Interest groups, Chapters and Branches

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at
Tue Jun 20 23:50:34 EDT 2006

I've refactored a bit of the content at:

Mainly I was trying to find a way to more accurately describe the  
different 'levels'.
You can read more about it there, but in a nutshell:
1) Interest Group (mailing list, web site support)
2) Chapter (OSGeo project, all project-related resources available,  
reporting to board as per other projects)
3) Branch (Separate board, with someone reporting back to main OSGeo  
board/membership, own budget, etc.)

Note that I also didn't put in "Local/Regional" or "Language" in any  
of the level names, since they could be either.  For example you  
could theoretically have:
* German Language Interest Group
* German Regional Interest Group
* Indonesian Chapter
* Japanese Branch
* Ottawa Regional Interest Group
... you get the idea.

So I hacked up the wiki a fair bit so that Arnulf wasn't the only  
editor :)  Let me know if this only confuses things more.   It just  
didn't seem right to call the Ottawa user group, the Ottawa  
"Chapter", would make more sense to call it a regional interest group.

What do you think?


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