[intl-discuss] A new list for the australian chapter of OSGeo

Tim Bowden tim.bowden at westnet.com.au
Thu Jan 25 11:23:59 EST 2007

There is now a new mailing list for the Australian chapter of OSGeo.
Those interested can subscribe here: 

This new list and the wiki at http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Australia
should be the primary forums for discussing issues relating to OSGeo in

Over the next few weeks we have a few housekeeping activities; We are
not yet an official chapter of OSGeo.  The steps we need to go through
are outlined on the wiki.  Lets set a goal of getting the chapter
official by the end of Feb.

A couple of things we need to look at- The membership model, legal
status of the chapter and any Aust specific goals (apart from what's
already in the formal OSGeo list of goals).  If anyone has any
suggestions, please speak up.

I'd also like to explore a couple of issues; Data licensing models and
how we can take advantage of the federal gov't new water initiative.
I'll wait a couple of days to give people a chance to subscribe to the
list and for me to get my thoughts in order before I start posting.

Tim Bowden
Mapforge Geospatial

Tim Bowden

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