[ZOO-Discuss] New Members in the ZOO-Tribe

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Mon Dec 21 19:02:26 PST 2009

Hi All,

Would like to welcome the following new members
to the ZOO Tribe

1) Sekiguchi-san
2) Iwao-san
3) Yamamoto-san
4) Kojima-san

All members are from the Geo Grid Team at
Advanced Institute of Science and Technnology.
The Geo Grid Web site is at http://www.geogrid.org/en/index.html

Sarawut, who is in the Geo Grid Team is already
a member of this list.

Welcome aboard, Team Geo Grid.



P.S. Sekiguchi-san, I do not have the right e-mail
address of Yoshi Tanaka-san. Mail to the one I have
(yosho.tanaka at aist.go.jp) bounces back.

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