[ZOO-Discuss] Montpellier ZOO Meeting schedule

Gérald Fenoy gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr
Wed Nov 11 03:24:07 PST 2009

Hi Bernd,
nice to hear from you on this list !

I will try to contact Jean-Paul to find an arrangement to make you  
able to leave earlier. Hope it will work.

I will let you know if it's possible for you to come at 10 AM which  
could better for you.


Le 11 nov. 2009 à 12:17, Bernd Deckert - Geolabs a écrit :

> Hey zoologists,
> I have some courses from 8:15 to 11:15 friday the 20th. I will try to
> leave them earlier.
> I enjoy to see you in our spatio-temporal ecological niche (the ideas
> are always mainstream, that's for sure ;-) )
> Bis bald, thanks Bernd
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Gérald Fenoy
gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr

Siège social :
Futur Building I
1280, avenue des Platanes
34970 Lattes
Tél. fixe : 04 67 53 67 37
Tél. portable : 06 70 08 25 39

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