[ZOO-Discuss] ZOO OGR Buffer demo

Eric Lemoine eric.lemoine at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 06:17:31 PST 2009

On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 12:33 PM, Gérald Fenoy <gerald.fenoy at geolabs.fr> wrote:
> Hi reluc,
> nice to hear that there is a online demo using ZOO Kernel to run
> processes !
> I've modified with my dirty hands the demo page to add 3 other
> processes : ConvexHull and Boundary (just modified the ogr_service
> source code to output Json string in any case) and Centroid added this
> morning to the sample ZOO Service OGR based.
> As I've quoted on the svn commit message, I use a trick (ConvexHull)
> to use Centroid with the input data provided on this demo page.
> Indeed, the data are currently MultiPolygons, but as defined in the
> ZOO Configuration File (.zcfg metadata file) for the Centroid process
> the InputPolygon should be a Polygon and not other kind of input. You
> could also get this information using the DescribeProcess request,
> here the direct link : http://demo.zoo-project.org/zoo/?Service=WPS&Request=DescribeProcess&Version=1.0.0&Language=en-CA&Identifier=Centroid
>  . Nevertheless, we use ConvexHull only when InputPolygon is not a
> Polygon. Sounds odd for me.....
> Let me know what you think ZOO Tribe Memebers,
> hope to hear from you soon,
> regards,

This is great to see a demo!

I have a couple questions. I don't know WPS, so forgive me if these
are dump questions.

- looking at the DescribeProcess response it looks like the default
Execute response output format is "text/xml", though the actual output
format  is GeoJSON. Is this me not understanding the DescribeProcess
- IIRC there's not specific mime-type for GeoJSON, could this become a problem?
- in the demo the feature is provided in input as a href to the
appropriate WFS GetFeature request. I'm sure WPS would allow directly
sending the feature coordinates in the request. Can you confirm this?

Thanks for putting this demo together.


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