[ZOO-Discuss] ZOO OGR Demo

rldhont rldhont at gmail.com
Wed Nov 11 13:10:03 PST 2009

Like we say with gérald and NiKo,

You're free to create the output you want.

Gérald choose to create Process with GeoJSON output.

Now if you want you can create process with GMl or other output.

ZOO is really permissive. The Process coder are free to do what he want 
to do!


Guillaume Sueur a écrit :
> is json chosen automatically from http user-agent then ? WPS is not only
> a browser service. so there should be a way to specify the desired
> output format. 
> Le mercredi 11 novembre 2009 à 22:00 +0100, rldhont a écrit :
>> I think it's coll to use GML and have a JSON because GML sucks in a browser.
>> Well it's my point of view.
>> Guillaume Sueur a écrit :
>>> Cool !
>>> but as Eric mentionned previously, I don't understand either why a
>>> WFS/GML geometry for input gets a geojson for output. Nothing seems to
>>> specify it in the request. I think the format should be consistant
>>> between input and output unless requested different. 
>>> Thanks  for your efforts in putting together this first demo. 
>>> Regards
>>> Guillaume
>>> Le mercredi 11 novembre 2009 à 21:20 +0100, rldhont a écrit :
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm glad to annonce a new version of ZOO OGR Demo :
>>>> http://demo.zoo-project.org/ogr/ogr-wfs-demo.html
>>>> This one is fully integrated with the ZOO project design and add 1 new 
>>>> capability : choose a distance for the buffer processing.
>>>> Enjoy!
>>>> René-Luc D'Hont
>>>> 3Liz
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