[ZOO-Discuss] ZOO Web Client ideas

rldhont rldhont at gmail.com
Fri Nov 13 01:44:12 PST 2009

Hi All,

I think DescribeProcess could be use to create object to control 
mandatory parameters, datatypes and mimetypes. It will be usefull, isn't 
it ?


Eric Lemoine a écrit :
> On Thursday, November 12, 2009, rldhont  wrote:
>> Hi Nikos,
>> It's probably a good Idea but it's utopique to create FORM from
>> DescribeProcess!
> Hi all
> I agree with René-Luc that creating forms and tools based on
> DescribeProcess responses is challenging.
> And is it really worth the challenge? I don't think so. Because I
> think that, in most cases, we just can't guess what the user wants.
> For example, in the case of a "calculate buffer" process, we can't
> guess whether the user will want to draw the geometries on which to
> operate the buffer calculation, or select the geometries using WFS
> GetFeature as in the demo.
> René-Luc, if we don't use GetCapabilities and DescribeProcess
> responses to ultimately create user interface elements and tools, what
> do we use them for?
> Thanks,

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